The CORE POS front end
Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
PrehLib Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PrehLib:

Static Public Member Functions

static clearMember ()
static memberID ($member_number)
static requestInfoCallback ($info)
static setAltMemMsg ($store, $member, $personNumber, $row, $chargeOk)
static setMember ($member, $personNumber, $row=array())
static checkUnpaidAR ($cardno)
static check_unpaid_ar ($cardno)
static checkstatus ($num)
static tender ($right, $strl)
static deptkey ($price, $dept, $ret=array())
static ttl ()
static omtr_ttl ()
static wicableTotal ()
static peekItem ($full_record=false)
static finalttl ()
static fsEligible ()
static percentDiscount ($strl, $json=array())
static chargeOk ()

Static Public Attributes

static $requestInfoHeader = 'member gift'
static $requestInfoMsg = 'Card for which member?'

Detailed Description

A horrible, horrible catch-all clutter of functions

Member Function Documentation

static PrehLib::chargeOk ( )

Check whether the current member has store charge balance available.

1 - Yes 0 - No

Sets current balance in session as "balance". Sets available balance in session as "availBal".

static PrehLib::checkstatus (   $num)

Check if an item is voided or a refund

$numitem trans_id in localtemptrans
array of status information with keys:
  • voided (int)
  • scaleprice (numeric)
  • discountable (int)
  • discounttype (int)
  • caseprice (numeric)
  • refund (boolean)
  • status (string)
static PrehLib::checkUnpaidAR (   $cardno)

Check if the member has overdue store charge balance

$cardnomember number
True or False

The logic for what constitutes past due has to be built into the unpaid_ar_today view. Without that this function doesn't really do much.

static PrehLib::clearMember ( )

Remove member number from current transaction

static PrehLib::deptkey (   $price,
  $ret = array() 

Add an open ring to a department

$priceamount in cents (100 = $1)
$deptPOS department an array of return values
An array. See Parser::default_json() for format explanation.

Enforce memberOnly flag

static PrehLib::finalttl ( )

Add tax and transaction discount records. This is called at the end of a transaction. There's probably no other place where calling this function is appropriate.

static PrehLib::fsEligible ( )

Add foodstamp elgibile total record

static PrehLib::memberID (   $member_number)

Begin setting a member number for a transaction

$member_numberCardNo from custdata
An array. See Parser::default_json() for format.

This function will either assign the number to the current transaction or return a redirect request to get more input. If you want the cashier to verify member name from a list, use this function. If you want to force the number to be set immediately, use setMember().

If only a single record exists for the member number, the member will be set immediately if:

  • the account is the designated, catchall non-member
  • the verifyName setting is disabled

Go to member search page in all other cases. If zero matching records are found, member search should be next. If multiple records are found, picking the correct name should be next. If verifyName is enabled, confirming the name should be next.

static PrehLib::omtr_ttl ( )

Total the transaction, which the cashier thinks may be eligible for the Ontario Meal Tax Rebate.

True - total successfully String - URL

If ttl() returns a string, go to that URL for more information on the error or to resolve the problem.

The most common error, by far, is no member number in which case the return value is the member-entry page.

The Ontario Meal Tax Rebate refunds the provincial part of the Harmonized Sales Tax if the total of the transaction is not more than a certain amount.

If the transaction qualifies, change the tax status for each item at the higher rate to the lower rate. Display a message that a change was made. Otherwise display a message about that. Total the transaction as usual.

static PrehLib::peekItem (   $full_record = false)

See what the last item in the transaction is currently

$full_record[boolean] return full database record. Default is false. Just returns description.
localtemptrans.description for the last item or localtemptrans record for the last item

If no record exists, returns false

static PrehLib::percentDiscount (   $strl,
  $json = array() 

Add a percent discount notification

$strldiscount percentage
$jsonkeyed array
An array see Parser::default_json()
Use discountnotify() instead. This just adds hard-coded percentages and PLUs that likely aren't applicable anywhere but the Wedge.
static PrehLib::setAltMemMsg (   $store,

Assign store-specific alternate member message line

$storecode for the coop
$memberCardNo from custdata
$personNumberpersonNum from custdata
$rowa record from custdata
$chargeOkwhether member can store-charge purchases
static PrehLib::setMember (   $member,
  $row = array() 

Assign a member number to a transaction

$memberCardNo from custdata
$personNumberpersonNum from custdata

See memberID() for more information.

Look up the member information here. There's no good reason to have calling code pass in a specially formatted row of data

Optinonally use memtype table to normalize attributes by member type

Determine what string is shown in the upper left of the screen to indicate the current member

Set member number and attributes in the current transaction

Add the member discount

Log the member entry

Optionally add a subtotal line depending on member_subtotal setting.

static PrehLib::tender (   $right,

Add a tender to the transaction

tender amount in cents (100 = $1) tender code from tenders table

An array see Parser::default_json() for format explanation.

This function will automatically end a transaction if the amount due becomes <= zero.

First use base module to check for error conditions common to all tenders

Get a tender-specific module if one has been configured

Fetch module mapping from the database if the schema supports it 16Mar2015

Do tender-specific error checking and prereqs

static PrehLib::ttl ( )

Total the transaction

True - total successfully String - URL

If ttl() returns a string, go to that URL for more information on the error or to resolve the problem.

The most common error, by far, is no member number in which case the return value is the member-entry page.

static PrehLib::wicableTotal ( )

Calculate WIC eligible total

[number] WIC eligible items total

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