= array(
'MailChimpApiKey' => array('default'=>'','label'=>'API Key',
'description'=>'API key for access to MailChimp. Found
under account settings.'),
'MailChimpListID' => array('default'=>'','label'=>'List ID',
'description'=>'List ID for the MailChimp list to sync
with. Found under List Settings Name & Defaults.'),
'MailChimpMergeVarField' => array('default' => 0, 'label'=>'Owner Number field exists',
'options'=>array('Yes'=>1, 'No'=>0),
'description'=>'Set this to Yes once the field has been created. This plugin
will create the field automatically, but polling on every synchronization
to check whether it exists is against MailChimp\'s best practices.'),
Desired settings. These are automatically exposed on the 'Plugins' area of the install page and written to ini.php