| emergency ($message, array $context=array()) |
| alert ($message, array $context=array()) |
| critical ($message, array $context=array()) |
| error ($message, array $context=array()) |
| warning ($message, array $context=array()) |
| notice ($message, array $context=array()) |
| info ($message, array $context=array()) |
| debug ($message, array $context=array()) |
| log ($level, $message, array $context=array()) |
| getLogLocation ($int_level) |
Logging class that matches the spec for PSR-3 LoggerInterface If the actual interface definition is available via composer FannieLogger formally implements it; otherwise it just contains the same public methods. Either way the actual functionality is inherited from FannieBaseLogger.
This is not in use yet. Just planning ahead to be more in-line with modern standards and best practices.