Table: efsnetRequest

	date int
	cashierNo int
	laneNo int
	transNo int
	transID int
	datetime datetime
	refNum varchar
	live tinyint
	mode varchar
	amount double
	PAN varchar
	issuer varchar
	name varchar
	manual tinyint
	sentPAN tinyint
	sentExp tinyint
	sentTr1 tinyint
	sentTr2 tinyint	
    efsnetRequestID int

Depends on:

This table logs information that is
sent to a credit-card payment gateway.
All current paycard modules use this table
structure. Future ones don't necessarily have
to, but doing so may enable more code re-use.

Some column usage may vary depending on a
given gateway's requirements and/or formatting,
but in general:

cashierNo, laneNo, transNo, and transID are
equivalent to emp_no, register_no, trans_no, and
trans_id in dtransactions (respectively).

mode indicates the type of transaction, such as
refund or sale. Exact value can vary from gateway
to gateway.

PAN is the cardnumber - for the love of $deity
only save the last 4 digits here - issuer is
Visa, MC, etc, and name is the cardholder's name
(if available).

The sent* columns indicate which information was
sent. Most gateways will accept PAN + expiration
date, or either track. Sending both tracks is
usually fine; I've never seen a system where
you send all 4 pieces of card info.

efsnetRequestID is an incrementing ID columns. This
is unique at a lane level but not an overall system
level since different lanes will increment through
the same ID values. The combination of laneNo and
efsnetRequestID should be unique though.