= "Bring tables on one lane into the same state as server tables.
DO NOT Enable this as an Automated Task.
Only run it from the command line:
sudo -u www-data php /path/to/FannieTask.php \
CoopCredOneLaneSyncTask lane#
Replace these tables on all lanes with contents of
server table:
coop_cred: CCredPrograms, CCredMemberships
If you can use fannie/sync/special/coopcred.mysql.inc
the transfers will go much faster.
If you cannot use CoopCred/sync/special/coopcred.mysql.inc
then you must create the tables and database on the
lanes before you run this task.
Coordinate this task with tasks such as Coop Cred History
that update the tables this is pushing to the lanes
so that the lanes have the most current data.
If run from the command line can take a lane-number
parameter: CoopCredOneLaneSyncTask lane#
to sync a single lane.