Lane Machine

A typical IS4C lane set up includes a fairly standard PC and a few peripherals.

Server Machine(s)

You want some more serious horsepower here. Overall performance is tied to database performance, which again is bottlenecked principally by RAM. Disk space is a slightly greater concern here than on the lanes because transaction history grows continuously and you'll likely want local and external backups. For reference, WFC runs ~40,000 transactions a day and has a transaction history dating back to late 2004 a full database back up is ~14GB. That's not perfectly indicative of growth rate; our transactions per day have increased over the same time period, but in a world where disks are measured in hundreds of GBs (if not in TBs) running out of space isn't a big issue. Now, options:

Label-printing scales (Deli/Bulk/Prepack/Etc)

A few stores have had success sending data directly to Hobart Quantum TCP scales and there's some basic support for it in Fannie. If it's something you're interested in, going with that model is probably easiest; if you have a different model, try to find out if it supports Hobart's Data GateWeigh utility. This utility is Windows-based, so you may need a dedicated [ultra low resource] box just to run it (depending on other infrastructure, spare machines, etc). Of note: when Quantum TCPs go into powersave/sleep mode, they seem to forget about wireless settings. Just waking it up isn't sufficient to fix this; it takes a full powercycling. Unless the scale is in fairly constant use through the day, this isn't the most useful feature.

Shelf tags

Shelf tag are generated in 8.5" x 11" layouts. There's no special printer requirement for these. We should probably make some layout for specific standards (Avery #s or something) rather than the random, no-name stack WFC uses.