updated as of: August 20, 2012
last author: Andy Theuninck
Alright, let's sell some products! This document lists full commands, but IS4C is normally used with a programmable keyboard so cashiers don't have to memorize commands. Unless otherwise noted, commands are not case sensitive.

The [clear] command

One very important command to know is clear: type CL then press enter. This key sequence will dismiss most errors and warnings and cancel most procedures taking you back to the "main" screen.

Logging in

The first screen is a login screen. A cashier must enter a numeric password to begin. Type the password and press enter. If you're just testing, 9999 is the built in training password, and 52 and 7000 are the passwords provided in the sample employee data.

By default, if a logged in register is idle for awhile, it will automatically lock. To unlock a register, type the same password you used to log in and press enter.

Ringing Up Items

Entering the member number

IS4C is built for co-ops, and with that in mind every transaction requires a member number. Non-member transactions require a number, too, but you can use the same number for all non-member transactions. Which number is up to you. The setting is located in Additional Configuration.

Accepting tender

The most common error with tenders will state "transaction must be totaled" or some variation of that. Entering the member number (see above) totals the transaction. However, if you continue ringing up items after entering the member number, the transaction must be re-totaled. To re-total a transaction, type TL then press enter.

The default to enter tender is to type the amount (in cents) and the two character tender code, then press enter. For example, to tender $2.50 in cash, you would type 250CA and press enter. You can add as many as you like, but common tenders in the default installation include:

If peripherals are present, at this point the receipt prints and the till drawer opens.