Requesting Information from the User

as of: August 13, 2013

If you want to prompt the cashier to enter some text, you can use the built-in requestInfo.php gui-module rather than writing a separate page. This is well-suited for cases where you simply want to show a text entry box and get the result. To use this functionality, pass the name of an appropriate class to requestInfo.php as the URL parameter class. The class does not have to inherit from any particular base class; it merely has to provide the methods and properties that requestInfo.php needs (i.e., duck typing). This structure lets you attach an information request to another class.

static string requestInfoHeader
static string requestInfoMsg
static mixed requestInfoCallback(string $info)

The strings properties are prompts displayed for the cashier. requestInfoHeader appears above the input box; requestInfoMsg appears below the input box. When the cashier enters information, that string is passed to requestInfoCallback. If the string is not a valid entry, return boolean False to prompt the cashier to re-enter. If the string is valid, do whatever processing is necessary then return a URL indicating which page to go to next. If you want to return to the main POS screen, returning boolean True will be interpretted as that URL.

Example: Add member's phone number to the transaction

class GetMemPhone extends Parser {
	function check($str){
		if ($str == 'GETPH') return True;
		else return False;

	function parse($str){
		$ret = $this->default_json();
		// redirect to the prompt page
		$ret['main_frame'] = MiscLib::base_url().'gui-modules/requestInfo.php?class=GetMemPhone';
		return $ret;

	public static $requestInfoHeader = 'member phone #';

	public static $requestInfoMsg = 'type phone number XXX-XXX-XXXX';

	public static function requestInfoCallback($info){
		// if the entry is valid, add a comment to
		// the transaction
		if (preg_match('/^\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d$/',trim($info)) == 1){
			TransRecord::addcomment('PH: '.trim($info));
			return True;
			return False;