Create a Price Change Batch
Go to the Vendor Pricing menu via Fannie's menu (Sales Batches
=> Vendor Pricing) and choose Create Price Change Batch.
Select the vendor and optionally super department. All is fine
if you aren't using super departments. The default value, No, for
Show All Items excludes everything where the current POS price
matches the calculated SRP. Click Continue.
A price change batch is created immediately. Its name is listed at the
top of the page. If you return to this tool on the same day, it will
just resume editing that same batch.
Green rows show items where current margin exceeds desired margin.
Red rows show items where current margin is below desired margin.
White rows show items marked in the Var column. This is for
marking items that purposely ignore normal margin.
Clicking Add will put that item into the price change batch
with the listed SRP. You can also adjust the calculated SRPs by
click on them. Click Del to remove an item from the price
change batch if it was added by mistake.
Print Shelf Tags
Shelf tags that correspond with the price change batch are
created automatically. Go to Admin => Print Shelf Tags via
Fannie's menu to access them. If you selected a super department
the tags will be listed under that super department. Otherwise
they will be in the "Misc" set.
Apply new prices
Go to the batch tool (Sales Batches in Fannie's left hand menu)
and either manually force your price change batch or give it
a start date for a later, automated application.
Change Log:
3Aug13 AT First Draft